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I've been working at Men's Health UK since 2011, throughout which time we've remained the UK's biggest-selling men's lifestyle title – a fact for which I cannot take full credit, but might try to anyway.


For six years, I worked on the magazine's production team, beginning my career as a junior copyeditor before climbing the ranks to adopt the role of production editor/workflow director.


As production editor, I was responsible for overseeing the assembly of our monthly magazine, its enhanced digital package, 10 annual supplement editions and a handful of books. That job was a lot of fun – I get a kick out of spreadsheets, problem-solving and enforcing proper use of content management systems. (No, honestly, I do.)

I was promoted to the role of features editor in 2017. That's what I do now. I could write an essay about all the wonderful projects I've been involved with since, but I imagine you'd prefer to have a scroll through the portfolio on my homepage. I could not be prouder of the work Men's Health has produced in the past three years.


My words have also appeared in Women's Health and Runner's World magazines.


Outside of my day job, I produce and host live events for Spark True Stories, the UK's first and best storytelling club. I'm very comfortable talking about myself on stage. Too comfortable, some might argue.


Before I joined Men's Health, I spent six months writing for my local paper down in Sussex. I didn't receive a salary, but I was allowed to help myself to tea – so long as I made a round for the rest of the team, too.

About Me: About Me
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